DOCX文件在PHP finfo中的文件类型







就我而言,供应商特定的文件类型(vnd。)没有被标准化(任何RFC),因此没有被file_info()覆盖。 .docx是一个压缩的XML格式,这就是为什么file_info()返回application_zip (什么是完全正确)的原因。 您可以解压缩该文件并测试结果的MIME类型,但这会导致xml (也完全正确)以及文档使用的其他文件。 为了区分不同的XML格式, file_info()必须分析它的内容,它必须知道它的外观,以及它到底是什么。

这适用于debian。 将此添加到/ etc / magic:

# $File: msooxml,v 1.1 2011/01/25 18:36:19 christos Exp $
# msooxml:  file(1) magic for Microsoft Office XML
# From: Ralf Brown <>

# .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx are XML plus other files inside a ZIP
#   archive.  The first member file is normally "[Content_Types].xml".
# Since MSOOXML doesn't have anything like the uncompressed "mimetype"
#   file of ePub or OpenDocument, we'll have to scan for a filename
#   which can distinguish between the three types

# start by checking for ZIP local file header signature
0               string          PK0304
# make sure the first file is correct
>0x1E           string          [Content_Types].xml
# skip to the second local file header
#   since some documents include a 520-byte extra field following the file
#   header,  we need to scan for the next header
>>(18.l+49)     search/2000     PK0304
# now skip to the *third* local file header; again, we need to scan due to a
#   520-byte extra field following the file header
>>>&26          search/1000     PK0304
# and check the subdirectory name to determine which type of OOXML
#   file we have
>>>>&26         string          word/           Microsoft Word 2007+
!:mime application/msword
>>>>&26         string          ppt/            Microsoft PowerPoint 2007+
!:mime application/
>>>>&26         string          xl/             Microsoft Excel 2007+
!:mime application/
>>>>&26         default         x               Microsoft OOXML
!:strength +10

然后,告诉php使用/ etc / magic作为数据库:

$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME,"/etc/magic");


Office Open XML文件是一个ZIP兼容的OPC包,其中包含XML文档和其他资源。

与开放式办公文件一样,这些文档也是以包含各种资源的ZIP结构化且定义明确的方式。 因此,当您尝试识别文件内容时,首先会看到它是一个ZIP文件。 然后您需要查看ZIP内部以确定它是DOCX还是OpenOffice文件。



上一篇: DOCX File type in PHP finfo

下一篇: Unable to Upload file in PHP