after combination javascript throws object is not a function error
I am trying to programmatically combine and minify all the javascript on client's pages using Assetic and JSMin. I believe it is a problem in the combination since the error is thrown when JSMin was turned off.
I'm not really an expert in javascript, so I'm unsure where to start, even a vague answer can help me at this point...
the error thrown: object is not a function.
the files are combined in the order they are included, but there are inline javascripts that are left untouched in the document.
also, the combined javascript is included first thing in the head if that helps
Thanks for any answer you may have for me!
Update: FYI if it may help this is the code that throws the error after combination but not before and it is thrown at the very beginning. (Also this is PRE-minification)
/*! Copyright (c) 2010 Brandon Aaron (
* Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt).
* Thanks to: for some pointers.
* Thanks to: Mathias Bank( for a scope bug fix.
* Thanks to: Seamus Leahy for adding deltaX and deltaY
* Version: 3.0.4
* Requires: 1.2.2+
(function(d){function g(a){var b=a||window.event,i=[],1),c=0,h=0,e=0;a=d.event.fix(b);a.type="mousewheel";if(a.wheelDelta)c=a.wheelDelta/120;if(a.detail)c=-a.detail/3;e=c;if(b.axis!==undefined&&b.axis===b.HORIZONTAL_AXIS){e=0;h=-1*c}if(b.wheelDeltaY!==undefined)e=b.wheelDeltaY/120;if(b.wheelDeltaX!==undefined)h=-1*b.wheelDeltaX/120;i.unshift(a,c,h,e);return d.event.handle.apply(this,i)}var f=["DOMMouseScroll","mousewheel"];d.event.special.mousewheel={setup:function(){if(this.addEventListener)for(var a=
f.length;a;)this.addEventListener(f[--a],g,false);else this.onmousewheel=g},teardown:function(){if(this.removeEventListener)for(var a=f.length;a;)this.removeEventListener(f[--a],g,false);else this.onmousewheel=null}};d.fn.extend({mousewheel:function(a){return a?this.bind("mousewheel",a):this.trigger("mousewheel")},unmousewheel:function(a){return this.unbind("mousewheel",a)}})})(jQuery);