How to create a Google account programmatically?

Does anybody know how to create gmail account in c# (programmatically). I am refer this link

This the code for create gmail account programmatically in c#:-

Step 1: You should have admin account. Use admin mailid and pwd for create gmail account.

step 2: login in your admin account then go into security tab -> Api Reference -> Enable Api Access.

Step 3: add Google.Gdata.Apps.dll in your project.

Step 4: code:

using Google.GData.Apps;

AppsService appService = new AppsService("","mailid","Password");

    var a = appService.CreateUser(UserName,GivenName,FamilyName,Password);
catch (AppsException ex)
    response = ex.Reason.ToString() + " " + ex.ErrorCode.ToString();

上一篇: 通过HTTPS发布JSON

下一篇: 如何以编程方式创建Google帐户?