determining why a page is being renderred in compatibility mode?

I have a layout issue which is due to the containing page being rendered in compatibility mode on IE8. Is there a way to detect whats causing IE8 to enter compatibility mode for a particular page?

According to Microsoft's documents, the following conditions can cause a page to be rendered in compatibility mode (

  • Compatibility View is enabled for the page.
  • The page is loaded in the Intranet zone and Internet Explorer 8 is configured to pages in the Intranet zone in Compatibility View.
  • Internet Explorer 8 is configured to display all Web sites in Compatibility View.
  • Internet Explorer 8 is configured to use the Compatibility View List, which specifies a set of Web sites that are always displayed in Compatibility View.
  • The Developer Tools are used to override the settings specified in the Web page.
  • The Web page encountered a page layout error and Internet Explorer 8 is configured to automatically recover from such errors by reopening the page in Compatibility View.
  • After reviewing the page, I've ruled out the first possibilities such that it must be a page layout error on the page. I'd like to locate this error.

    Check if you have any <meta> tags forcing IE into compatibility mode.

    You can force it to render as IE8 (fully CSS 2.1 compliant) if you wish:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"/>

    Assuming you have a hidden element with the ID compat-warning:

    Javascript w/ jQuery:

        function showCompatWarning() {
        var tridentOffset = navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Trident/');
        if ( tridentOffset === -1 ) return;
        var jscriptVersion = 0;
        /*@cc_on @*/
        /*@if (@_jscript) jscriptVersion = @_jscript_version ; @*/;
        /*@end @*/
        var tridentVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substr(tridentOffset+8),10);
        var guessIEVersion = tridentVersion + 4;
        if (( document.documentMode && jscriptVersion && jscriptVersion < 10 && jscriptVersion !== document.documentMode ) ||
            ( document.compatMode && document.compatMode === 'BackCompat') ||
            ( document.documentMode && document.documentMode < 10 && document.documentMode != guessIEVersion ))

    Detection and warnings, your first and last lines of defense against compatibility hell.


    上一篇: 从GPS获取iPhone上的位置

    下一篇: 确定页面在兼容模式下呈现的原因?