what audio formats are supported by the android browser?

What audio formats can be played using the html5 'audio' tag in the android browser? Does anyone know where to find official specs on what the android browser supports and not?

For the record, the android media formats page does not seem to cover this - I have soundfiles (3gp) playing fine in a native app, but they won't play in my webapp.

The webkit docs also do not seem to help. My soundfiles play fine in my webapp on iphone, so that version of webkit handles them fine. Shouldn't the android browser have some official documentation somewhere?

Probably there should be official documentation. If you want to test it, why not make a web page on some domain you have access to, with links to all of the different sound files you can think of, and point your browser at it.

After some testing, I've concluded that support for the HTML5 audio element is broken in Android 2.1. Details of my testing can be found on my blog. I tested on an HTC Desire running Android 2.1 and HTC Sense, whereas Amos confirmed the same error on his HTC Heor running a custom 2.1 ROM (thanks, Amos!). If anyone will try the testpage in different configurations and report back either here or on my blog, I will update with any new information.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/46384.html

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下一篇: Android浏览器支持哪些音频格式?