Bash script to kill a process if process count is over X amount

So, I was wondering if there was a way to see if one could use bash to kill a PID of a process if more than X amount spawned. For example:

Let's say we have 10 php processes running with separate PIDs all with the command /usr/bin/php. If it hit 10 processes, would there be a way to kill it with a bash script? (I'll be having this script run full time in the foreground with a terminal)

IMHO, you're solving the wrong problem. I'd rather make sure that the process in itself couldn't have more than one instance (here's an implementation checklist), and give instructions by some sort of instruction stack.

Not a good idea to kill stuff this way, but this is what you asked. Try with this one (all on one single line):

j=0; for i in `ps fax | grep '/usr/bin/php'  | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`; do let j=j+1; if [ $j -ge 10 ]; then echo "Killing process $i"; kill $i; fi done

Pay attention to what you are doing. HTH.




while true
    sleep 1
    let CURRENT_INSTANCES=`ps aux | grep -c $PROGRAM_NAME`
    if [ "$CURRENT_INSTANCES" -ge "$MAX_INSTANCES" ];then
        killall $PROGRAM_NAME
        echo "killing program!"
        exit 0;

上一篇: #!/ usr / bin / python和#!/ usr / bin / env python,哪些支持?

下一篇: 如果进程数量超过X数量,Bash脚本将终止一个进程