restrict OpenCL access to Intel CPU?

It is currently possible to restrict OpenCL access to an NVIDIA GPU on Linux using the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES env variable. Is anyone aware of a similar way to restrict OpenCL access to Intel CPU devices? (Motivation: I'm trying to force users of a compute server to run their OpenCL programs through SLURM exclusively.)

一种可能性是直接链接到英特尔OpenCL库(我的系统上的 ),而不是通过OpenCL ICD加载程序。

In pure OpenCL, the way to avoid assigning tasks to the CPU is to not select it (as platform or device). clGetDeviceIDs can do that using the device_type argument (don't set the CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU bit).

At the ICD level, I guess you could exclude the CPU driver if it's Intel's implementation; for AMD, it gets a little trickier since they have one driver for both platforms (it seems the CPU_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS environment variable can restrict it to one core, but not disable it).

If the goal is to restrict OpenCL programs to running through a specific launcher, such as slurm, one way might be to add a group for that launcher and just make the OpenCL ICD vendor files in /etc/OpenCL (and possibly driver device nodes) usable only by that group.

None of this would prevent a user from having their own OpenCL implementation in place to run on CPU, but it could be enough to guide them to not run there by mistake.


上一篇: FPGA中的Altera OpenCL并行执行

下一篇: 限制OpenCL访问英特尔CPU?