OpenCL for Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU simultaneously

I am trying to get started with some OpenCL coding.

I've installed the NVidia CUDA OpenCL on my computer and have managed to build a simple "Hello World!" application using Visual Studio 2017.

I have also installed the Intel OpenCL SDK (installation warned me that I needed to update my OpenCL drivers but the Intel update manager was telling me that everything was up to date, so I'm not sure whether this could be an issue).

Now whenever I query the OpenCL platforms on my PC lie so:

std::vector< cl::Platform > platformList;

I only get back my nVidia openCL platform, with my GPU as the only device. I am not getting anything back for my CPU.

Can anyone help? Is it possible to perform both CPU and GPU OpenCL computations in the same project (In different OpenCL contexts? How would I go about doing this?

Seems that Intel GPU driver was not installed properly. You can install a CPU-only package instead:


上一篇: 生活周期困境与另一项活动中的方向变化

下一篇: 同时针对英特尔CPU和Nvidia GPU的OpenCL