JSON date format seems different
This question already has an answer here:
See the Stack Overflow question Format a Microsoft JSON date?:
var date = new Date(parseInt(jsonDate.substr(6)));
Stack Overflow question The "right" JSON date format is more specific and direct to your question.
It's auto-conversion: 2013-01-09 02:18:11.117 = "/Date(1357690691117)/" (milliseconds)
For example (conversion to "dd/mm/yyyy" format):
function formatJsonDate(jsonDate) {
return (new Date(parseInt(jsonDate.substr(6)))).format("dd/mm/yyyy");
var test = formatJsonDate('/Date(1357690691117)/');
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/46656.html
下一篇: JSON日期格式看起来不同