How can I run Django project

This seems like a no-brainer, and I'm hesitant to admit that I've spent about two hours trying to find the answer, but I can't figure out how to run project-level tests for a django project.

Just to be clear, running tests for the apps in the project is no problem. I understand './ test', but it doesn't find the project-level tests that I have written.

I tried putting the project-level tests in 'my-django-project/' and 'my-django-project/tests/' but these tests aren't found. What am I missing?

There's no such thing. Put all your tests in an app.

While there isn't something built into Django, Django-nose finds and runs tests at the project level as well as any subdirectories. Unfortunately, it doesn't find tests for installed apps that aren't placed in a subdirectory of the project directory.

Installation instructions can be found at:

./ test can be used to execute arbitrary Python code, which means you can make it run project-wide tests if you want. A subclass of DjangoTestSuiteRunner that finds the project-wide tests and executes them as well should do the trick. If those project-wide tests involve models, you probably want to put them within one of the corresponding apps.

EDIT: Django 1.6 can discover tests anywhere.


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