Using PyPDF2 to merge files into multiple output files

Here is the code block that is causing the issue. The loop will append the new file each time, which is not what I am trying to accomplish. For example, outputfile1 is input1.pdf, outputfile2 is input1.pdf + input2.pdf...

I am trying to merge file 1x.pdf with files 1a.pdf + 1b.pdf + 1c.pdf into the output file1.pdf and then loop through and do the same thing for 2, 3, and 4. The end result should be 4 separate files. What am I missing? Clear as mud? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

i = 1

while i < 5:
    # files to be merged

    input1 = open(Path1+str(i)+"x.PDF", "rb")
    input2 = open(Path2+str(i)+"a.PDF", "rb")
    input3 = open(Path2+str(i)+"b.PDF", "rb")
    input4 = open(Path2+str(i)+"c.PDF", "rb")

    # output files
    output_file = open("/NewFile"+str(i)+".pdf", "wb")

    # add input1 document to output
    merger.append(fileobj = input1, pages = (0, 3, 2), import_bookmarks = False)

    # insert the pages of input2 into the output beginning after the second page

    # insert the pages of input3 into the output beginning after the second page

    # insert the pages of input4 into the output beginning after the second page

    # Write to an output PDF document

    i += 1

上一篇: 合并/合并几个PDF文件

下一篇: 使用PyPDF2将文件合并到多个输出文件