How to get the list of all installed color schemes in Vim?

Is there a way to get a list of all installed color schemes in Vim? That would make very easy to select one without looking at the .vim directory.


:colorscheme then Space followed by TAB.

or as Peter said,

:colorscheme then Space followed by CTRLd

The short version of the command is :colo so you can use it in the two previous commands, instead of using the "long form".

If you want to find and preview more themes, there are various websites like Vim colors

You can see the list of color schemes under /usr/share/vim/vimNN/colors (with NN being the version, eg vim74 for vim 7.4).

This is explained here.

On the linux servers I use via ssh, TAB prints ^I and CTRLd prints ^D .

If you are willing to install a plugin, I recommend

to cycle through all installed colorschemes. Nice way to easily choose a colorscheme.


上一篇: 如何在Sublime Text中将文件类型自定义为语法关联?

下一篇: 如何获取Vim中所有已安装配色方案的列表?