Replace comma with newline in sed
I have a file of id's that are comma separated. I'm trying to replace the commas with a new line. I've tried:
sed 's/,/n/g' file
but it is not working. What am I missing?
tr , 'n' < file
Use $'string'
You need a backslash-escaped literal newline to get to sed. In bash at least, $''
strings will replace n
with a real newline, but then you have to double the backslash that sed will see to escape the newline, eg
echo "a,b" | sed -e $'s/,/n/g'
sed 's/,/
适用于Mac OS X.
链接地址:上一篇: 使用Sed替换包含字符串的整行
下一篇: 在sed中用逗号替换逗号