Replace whole line containing a string using Sed
I have a text file which has a particular line something like
sometext sometext sometext TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED sometext sometext sometext
I need to replace the whole line above with
This line is removed by the admin.
The search keyword is TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED
I need to write a shell script for this. How can I achieve this using sed
You can use the change command to replace the entire line, and the -i
flag to make the changes in-place. For example, using GNU sed:
sed -i '/TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED/cThis line is removed by the admin.' /tmp/foo
Note: on OSX you need to install "brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names" to support GNU style -i command
您需要在前后使用通配符( .*
sed 's/.*TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED.*/This line is removed by the admin./'
The accepted answer did not work for me for several reasons:
with a zero length extension c
command is weird and I couldn't get it to work So here is the solution I came up with which I think should work for most cases:
function escape_slashes {
sed 's/////g'
function change_line {
local OLD_LINE_PATTERN=$1; shift
local NEW_LINE=$1; shift
local FILE=$1
local NEW=$(echo "${NEW_LINE}" | escape_slashes)
sed -i .bak '/'"${OLD_LINE_PATTERN}"'/s/.*/'"${NEW}"'/' "${FILE}"
mv "${FILE}.bak" /tmp/
So the sample usage to fix the problem posed:
change_line "TEXT_TO_BE_REPLACED" "This line is removed by the admin." yourFile
上一篇: json和simplejson Python模块有什么区别?
下一篇: 使用Sed替换包含字符串的整行