How to write a custom solution using a python package, modules etc

I am writing a packacge foobar which consists of the modules alice, bob, charles and david.

From my understanding of Python packages and modules, this means I will create a folder foobar, with the following subdirectories and files (please correct if I am wrong)


The package should be executable, so that in addition to making the modules alice, bob etc available as 'libraries', I should also be able to use foobar in a script like this:

python foobar --args=someargs


Can a package be made executable and used in a script like I described above?

Question 2

The various modules will use code that I want to refactor into a common library. Does that mean creating a new sub directory 'foobar/common' and placing in that folder?

Question 3

How will the modules foo import the common module ? Is it 'from foobar import common' or can I not use this since these modules are part of the package?

Question 4

I want to add logic for when the foobar package is being used in a script (assuming this can be done - I have only seen it done for modules)

The code used is something like:

if __name__ == "__main__":

where (in which file) would I put this logic ?

Can a package be made executable and used in a script like I described above?

Q1 and Q4 . Yes, place your:

if __name__ == "__main__":

in foobar/

Q2 The various modules will use code that I want to refactor into a common library. Does that mean creating a new sub directory 'foobar/common' and placing in that folder?

No, you have to create foobar/ , not foobar/common/ . The same is true for all of your modules. Thus the right structure is:


Doing what you do you're creating package foobar , subpackage alice and module alice in it, etc. That is not what you want as I understand. Furthermore it will not work at all, since a directory becomes a Python package if it contains in it, and you haven't created them in your subdirectories.

Q3 How will the modules foo import the common module ? Is it from foobar import common

That's right. You can also simply use import common however it can cause a conflict if your library will be used in a project that has it's own module/package named common . So I prefer to use fully-qualified module names.


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下一篇: 如何使用python包,模块等编写自定义解决方案