decoding json string in python
I have the following JSON string (from wikipedia
"description":"Product identifier",
"description":"Name of the product",
I am trying to decode this string using Python json library. I would like to access the node
properties - > stock - > properties - > warehouse
I understand that json.loads()
function stores the json string as a dictionary. But in this case properties is my key and everything under that are values. How do I access the above node.
import json
file = open("c:/dir/jsondec.json")
for line in file.xreadlines():
data = json.loads(jsonText)
for k,v in data.items():
print k // shows name and properties
You can load json straight from the file like this:
f = open("c:/dir/jsondec.json")
data = json.load(f)
Based on your input string, data
is now a dictionary that contains other dictionaries. You can just navigate up the dictionaries like so:
node = data['properties']['stock']['properties']['warehouse']
print str(node)
上一篇: 在json输出中跳出正斜杠
下一篇: 解码python中的json字符串