Checking for string contents? string Length Vs Empty String

Which is more efficient for the compiler and the best practice for checking whether a string is blank?

  • Checking whether the length of the string == 0
  • Checking whether the string is empty (strVar == "")
  • Also, does the answer depend on language?

    Yes, it depends on language, since string storage differs between languages.

  • Pascal-type strings: Length = 0 .
  • C-style strings: [0] == 0 .
  • .NET: .IsNullOrEmpty .
  • Etc.

    In languages that use C-style (null-terminated) strings, comparing to "" will be faster. That's an O(1) operation, while taking the length of a C-style string is O(n).

    In languages that store length as part of the string object (C#, Java, ...) checking the length is also O(1). In this case, directly checking the length is faster, because it avoids the overhead of constructing the new empty string.

    In .Net:

    string.IsNullOrEmpty( nystr );

    strings can be null, so .Length sometimes throws a NullReferenceException


    上一篇: 我如何检查字符串是否包含字符和空格,而不仅仅是空白?

    下一篇: 检查字符串内容? 字符串长度与空字符串