Remove last comma from JSON constructed with foreach loop

I Have this script the construct a JSON:

echo "{";
echo ""name": "flare","."n";
echo ""children": ["."n";
foreach($tree as $tag => $customer){
    foreach($customer as $customerId => $order){
        echo "{"name":"".$customerId."",";
        echo ""children": ["."n";
            foreach($order as $orderId => $orderTotal){
                echo "{"name": "".$orderId."", "size": "".$orderTotal.""},";
        echo "]";
        echo "},";
echo "]";
echo "}";

$Tree, $customer and $order are levels of a multidiomensional array to repeit the loops to find a specific "$order" level of the array. The produced JSON the following JSON:

        }, // Remove this comma
        }, // Remove this comma
        }, // Remove this comma
    }, // Revome this comma

Everything is OK but I have to remove the last comma because Its generating errors parsing the JSON. I can't use substr() and rtrim() because those remove remove all comma in the JSON, not the last.


UPDATED Now I have two levels of commas to remove.


$data = array("name" => "flare", "children" => array());
foreach($tree as $tag => $customer){
    foreach($customer as $customerId => $order){
        $_data = array("name" => $customerId, "children" => array());
        foreach($order as $orderId => $orderTotal){
              $_data["children"][] = array("name" => $orderId, "size" => $orderTotal);
        $data["children"][] = $_data;
echo json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

上一篇: 我应该使用哪个@NotNull Java注释?

下一篇: 从用foreach循环构建的JSON中删除最后一个逗号