
我在为了练习CUDA而试图开发的CUDA应用程序中遇到并发问题。 我想通过使用cudaMemecpyAsync和CUDA内核的异步行为来共享GPU和CPU之间的工作,但是我无法成功地重叠CPU执行和GPU执行。

它与Host to Device数据传输重叠,但内核执行不重叠。 它基本上等待CPU完成并调用同步功能,然后内核开始在设备上执行。 我无法理解这种行为,是不是内核始终与CPU线程异步?

我的GPU是Nvidia Geforce GT 550m(Fermi架构,带有1个复制引擎和1个计算引擎)。

我使用CUDA 6.0和Nsight 4.0。


#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;

struct point4D 
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
    float w;

void heterogenous_1way_plus(point4D * h_ptrData, unsigned int h_dataSize, point4D * h_out, point4D pB, point4D pC);

bool correct_output(point4D * data, unsigned int size);
void flush_buffer(point4D * data, unsigned int size);
void initialize_input(point4D *& data, unsigned int size);
void cudaCheckError(cudaError_t cudaStatus, char* err);

// Implements cross product for 4D point on the GPU-side.
__global__ void gpu_kernel(point4D * d_ptrData, point4D * d_out, point4D pB, point4D pC)
    int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    point4D pA = d_ptrData[index];
    point4D out; out.x = 0; out.y = 0; out.z = 0; out.w = 0;

    out.x +=  pA.y*(pB.z*pC.w - pC.z*pB.w) - pA.z*(pB.y*pC.w - pC.y*pB.w) + pA.w*(pB.y*pC.z - pC.y*pB.z);
    out.y += -pA.x*(pB.z*pC.w - pC.z*pB.w) + pA.z*(pB.x*pC.w - pC.x*pB.w) - pA.w*(pB.x*pC.z - pC.x*pB.z);
    out.z +=  pA.x*(pB.y*pC.w - pC.y*pB.w) - pA.y*(pB.x*pC.w - pC.x*pB.w) + pA.w*(pB.x*pC.y - pC.x*pB.y);
    out.w += -pA.x*(pB.y*pC.z - pC.y*pB.z) + pA.y*(pB.x*pC.z - pC.x*pB.z) - pA.z*(pB.x*pC.y - pC.x*pB.y);

   d_out[index] = out;

// Implements cross product for 4D point on the CPU-size.
void cpu_function(point4D * h_ptrData, unsigned int h_dataSize, point4D * h_out, point4D pB, point4D pC)
    for(unsigned int index = 0; index < h_dataSize; index++)
        h_out[index].x = 0; h_out[index].y = 0; h_out[index].z = 0; h_out[index].w = 0;

        point4D pA = h_ptrData[index];

        h_out[index].x +=  pA.y*(pB.z*pC.w - pC.z*pB.w) - pA.z*(pB.y*pC.w - pC.y*pB.w) + pA.w*(pB.y*pC.z - pC.y*pB.z);
        h_out[index].y += -pA.x*(pB.z*pC.w - pC.z*pB.w) + pA.z*(pB.x*pC.w - pC.x*pB.w) - pA.w*(pB.x*pC.z - pC.x*pB.z);
        h_out[index].z +=  pA.x*(pB.y*pC.w - pC.y*pB.w) - pA.y*(pB.x*pC.w - pC.x*pB.w) + pA.w*(pB.x*pC.y - pC.x*pB.y);
        h_out[index].w += -pA.x*(pB.y*pC.z - pC.y*pB.z) + pA.y*(pB.x*pC.z - pC.x*pB.z) - pA.z*(pB.x*pC.y - pC.x*pB.y);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int devID;
    cudaDeviceProp deviceProps;

    printf("[%s] - Starting...n", argv[0]);

    int device_count;
    cudaCheckError(cudaGetDeviceCount(&device_count), "Couldn't get device count!");

    if (device_count == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "gpuDeviceInit() CUDA error: no devices supporting CUDA.n");

    devID = 0;
    cudaCheckError(cudaSetDevice(devID), "Couldn't set device!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProps, devID), "Couldn't get Device Properties");
    printf("GPU Device %d: "%s" with compute capability %d.%dnn", devID,, deviceProps.major, deviceProps.minor);


    const unsigned int DATA_SIZE = 30000000;
    bool bFinalResults = true;

    // Input Data Initialization
    point4D pointB;
    pointB.x = 1; pointB.y = 1; pointB.z = 0; pointB.w = 0;

    point4D pointC;
    pointC.x = 1; pointC.y = 1; pointC.z = 1; pointC.w = 0;

    point4D * data = (point4D*) malloc(DATA_SIZE * sizeof(point4D));
    point4D * out_points = (point4D*) malloc(DATA_SIZE * sizeof(point4D));
    initialize_input(data, DATA_SIZE);

    flush_buffer(out_points, DATA_SIZE);
    cout << endl << endl;

    // 1+way
    heterogenous_1way_plus(data, DATA_SIZE, out_points, pointB, pointC);
    bFinalResults &= correct_output(out_points, DATA_SIZE); // checking correctness


    exit(bFinalResults ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
    return 0;

void heterogenous_1way_plus(point4D * h_ptrData, unsigned int h_dataSize, point4D * h_out, point4D pB, point4D pC)
    cout << "1-way_plus: STARTS!!!" << endl;

    // Run the %25 of the data from CPU, rest will be executed on GPU
    unsigned int ratioPercentCPUtoGPU = 25;
    unsigned int d_dataSize = (h_dataSize * (100 - ratioPercentCPUtoGPU))/100;
    h_dataSize = (h_dataSize * ratioPercentCPUtoGPU)/100;
    size_t memorySize = d_dataSize * sizeof(point4D);

    cout << "Data Ratio Between CPU and GPU:" << (float)ratioPercentCPUtoGPU/100 << endl;
    cout << "CPU will process " << h_dataSize << " data." << endl;
    cout << "GPU will process " << d_dataSize << " data." << endl;

    // registers host memory as page-locked (required for asynch cudaMemcpyAsync)
    cudaCheckError(cudaHostRegister(h_ptrData, memorySize, cudaHostRegisterPortable), "cudaHostRegister failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaHostRegister(h_out, memorySize, cudaHostRegisterPortable), "cudaHostRegister failed!");

    // allocate device memory
    point4D * d_in = 0; point4D * d_out = 0;
    cudaCheckError(cudaMalloc( (void **)&d_in, memorySize), "cudaMalloc failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaMalloc( (void **)&d_out, memorySize), "cudaMalloc failed!");

    // set kernel launch configuration
    dim3 nThreads = dim3(1000,1);
    dim3 nBlocks = dim3(d_dataSize / nThreads.x,1);

    cout << "GPU Kernel Configuration : " << endl;
    cout << "Number of Threads :t" << nThreads.x << "t" << nThreads.y << "t" << nThreads.z << endl;
    cout << "Number of Blocks :t" << nBlocks.x << "t" << nBlocks.y << "t" << nBlocks.z << endl;

    // create cuda stream
    cudaStream_t stream;
    cudaCheckError(cudaStreamCreate(&stream), "cudaStreamCreate failed!");

    // create cuda event handles
    cudaEvent_t start, stop;
    cudaCheckError(cudaEventCreate(&start), "cudaEventCreate failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaEventCreate(&stop), "cudaEventCreate failed!");

    // main thread waits for device
    cudaCheckError(cudaDeviceSynchronize(), "cudaDeviceSynchronize failed!");
    float gpu_time = 0.0f;
    cudaEventRecord(start, stream);

    cudaMemcpyAsync(d_in, h_ptrData, memorySize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream);       
    gpu_kernel<<<nBlocks, nThreads, 0, stream>>>(d_in, d_out, pB, pC);
    cudaMemcpyAsync(h_out, d_out, memorySize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);

    cudaEventRecord(stop, stream);

    // The memory layout of CPU processing starts after GPU's.
    cpu_function(h_ptrData + d_dataSize, h_dataSize, h_out + d_dataSize, pB, pC);       

    cudaCheckError(cudaStreamSynchronize(stream), "cudaStreamSynchronize failed!");

    cudaCheckError(cudaEventElapsedTime(&gpu_time, start, stop), "cudaEventElapsedTime failed!");

    cudaCheckError(cudaDeviceSynchronize(), "cudaDeviceSynchronize failed!");

    // release resources
    cudaCheckError(cudaEventDestroy(start), "cudaEventDestroy failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaEventDestroy(stop), "cudaEventDestroy failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaHostUnregister(h_ptrData), "cudaHostUnregister failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaHostUnregister(h_out), "cudaHostUnregister failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaFree(d_in), "cudaFree failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaFree(d_out), "cudaFree failed!");
    cudaCheckError(cudaStreamDestroy(stream), "cudaStreamDestroy failed!");


    cout << "Execution of GPU: " << gpu_time << "ms" << endl;
    cout << "1-way_plus: ENDS!!!" << endl;        

// Checks correctness of outputs
bool correct_output(point4D * data, unsigned int size)
    const static float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, w = -1;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if (data[i].x != x || data[i].y != y ||
            data[i].z != y || data[i].w != w)
            printf("Error! data[%d] = [%f, %f, %f, %f], ref = [%f, %f, %f, %f]n",
            i, data[i].x, data[i].y, data[i].z, data[i].w, x, y, z, w);

            return 0;
    return 1;

// Refresh the output buffer
void flush_buffer(point4D * data, unsigned int size)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        data[i].x = 0; data[i].y = 0; data[i].z = 0; data[i].w = 0;

// Initialize the input data to feed the system for simulation
void initialize_input(point4D *& data, unsigned int size)
    for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
        point4D* d = &data[idx];
        d->x = 1;
        d->y = 0;
        d->z = 0;
        d->w = 0;

void cudaCheckError(cudaError_t cudaStatus, char* err)
    if(cudaStatus != cudaSuccess)
        fprintf(stderr, err);

这里是Nsight的截图 Nsight截图

从我在分析器映像上可以看到的内容中获得适当的重叠。 我运行你的代码并看到类似的东西。


  • cudaMemcpyAsyncH2D
  • 内核调用
  • cudaMemcpyAsyncD2H
  • cpu功能
  • cudaStreamSynchronize
  • CPU线程按照该顺序处理这些步骤。 步骤1-3是异步的,意味着控制立即返回到CPU线程,而无需等待底层CUDA操作完成。 你希望第4步尽可能与第1,2和3步重叠。

    我们所看到的是, cudaStreamSynchronize()调用在时间轴中与内核执行的开始大致一致。 这意味着在cudaStreamSynchronize()调用之前的所有CPU线程活动都已经在该点完成(即大约在实际内核执行的开始点)。因此,我们希望与步骤重叠的cpu函数(步骤4)实际上,在步骤2开始时就完成了1-3(根据实际的CUDA执行)。 因此,您的cpu函数与第一个主机 - >设备memcpy操作完全重叠。

    所以它按预期工作。 因为cudaStreamSynchronize()调用会阻塞CPU线程,直到所有流活动完成为止,它会占用从遇到它到流活动完成点的时间线。

    cudaStreamSynchronize()调用与内核执行的开始很吻合,H2D memcpy结束与内核启动之间存在差距,这很可能是由于WDDM批处理命令造成的。 当我在linux下分析你的代码时,我没有看到差距和确切的巧合,但是否则总体流程是相同的。 以下是我在Linux下使用可视化分析器所看到的内容:


    请注意,在上图中,在内核开始之前,在H2D memcpy操作期间实际上会遇到cudaStreamSynchronize()


    unsigned int ratioPercentCPUtoGPU = 50;



    我们看到CPU相对于GPU内核调用需要更多时间,因此直到D2H memcpy操作期间CPU线程才会遇到cudaStreamSynchronize()调用。 我们继续在linux下看到,在这一点和内核执行的开始之间没有固定的关系。 现在,CPU的执行完全覆盖了H2D memcpy,内核执行和D2H memcpy的一小部分。


    上一篇: gpu kernel overlap

    下一篇: gpu CUDA Thrust