
我已经将$ data ['items']发送到了我的视图,该视图创建了一个充满对象的数组,我可以使用foreach循环来回显对象。

foreach($items as $row)
    echo $row->NAME . " - " . $row->COLOUR . "<br>";

我想要做的就是用颜色名称作为标题标签将它们回显给浏览器,然后启动该颜色的循环。 我只是不确定要做什么类型的循环,或者我应该在循环中有循环吗?


- 项目1

- 项目3

- 项目2

- 项目4

- 项目5

$list = array();
foreach($items as $row)
  $list[$row->COLOUR][] = $row->NAME;

$header = null;
foreach($list as $item)
  if($header != $item->COLOUR)
    echo '<h3>' . $item->COLOUR . '</h3>';
    $header = $item->COLOUR;
  echo '- ' . $item->NAME . '<br />';


$tmp = array();
foreach($items as $row)
    // this code groups all items by color
    $name = $row->NAME;
    if( !isset ($tmp[ $name ] ) ) $tmp[ $name ] = array();
    $tmp[ $name ][] = $row->COLOUR;

foreach( $tmp as $color => $items )
   // colors are now keys to the temp array
   echo $color;
   // these are all of the items grouped under the current color
   foreach( $items as $item )
       // output the item.
       echo "<br /> - $item";
   echo "<br />";
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/47801.html

上一篇: Looping through array objects to output

下一篇: PHP: How to encode infinity or NaN numbers to JSON?