Event Tracking without creating Goal in Google Analytics

How to do event tracking and send data to Google Analytics without creating a Goal in Google Analytics.

eg If I have 6 image links on the homepage, I want to do event tracking and send data to GA that how many people clicked on which image/category. But don't want to create goal for it.

As long as there is tracking code attached to your image, you can see events at Google Analytics at Behaviour -> Event -> Top Events, there you will be able to see reports by event category / event label / event action. You don't need a goal to achieve so.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/47878.html

上一篇: 谷歌分析,跟踪特定用户

下一篇: 事件追踪,而无需在Google Analytics中创建目标