google analytics, tracking a specific user

I want to be able to send people a link to my website and then track their navigation using Google analytics. So it will be like open link -> home -> about -> contact. So When I go to google analytics I can see which pages this specific user has visited. Is this possible?

What you're looking for is UTM tracking - there's a tool that helps you create custom track-able links available on

If you want to see this data on a user level, for each of your users you need a link that has unique parameter values eg:

User 1:

User 2:

User 3:

Once your user accesses the link, you'll be able to distinguish him/her. To see the data and distinguish this user, you can create a custom report with the following configuration:



上一篇: Jquery AJAX返回原始数据或准备好

下一篇: 谷歌分析,跟踪特定用户