GWT and OAuth Implicit Grant (client side only)

I'm considering using GWT to create a client-side - single page app - (no GWT server code) that accesses a third party API for data, the third party API requires a token to be included with API calls.

Using the Implicit Flow for token retrieval.

Is there a recommended OAuth library for GWT that provides an OAuth service for the implicit flow?

ie one that will: redirect the

  • user to an issuers login page (where the user enters their credentials).
  • on authentication redirect the user back to my site.

  • pass back to my site the authenticated users details (id, name, token).

  • I fully expect to have to configure the library/request in some manner, ie to specify:

  • the issuer.
  • redirection URL (redirection after the authorisation, back to my site)
  • client id.
  • scope. etc.
  • Is there such a library? (possibly something equivalent to angular-oauth2-oidc)

    Any hints or suggestions greatly appreciated.




    上一篇: .net中的oauth 1.0实现示例

    下一篇: GWT和OAuth隐式授权(仅限客户端)