When does stage get loaded?
I'm building a project in Adobe Flash Professional CS5 (using ActionScript 3.0).
In one of the classes, I want to add some objects to the scene based on the size of the scene.
I'm using the following code in the constructor:
stageWidthint = stage.stageWidth;
stageHeightint = stage.stageHeight;
startMenu.x = stageWidthint / 2;
startMenu.y = ((stageHeightint / 2) - 40);
instructionsMenu.x = stageWidthint / 2;
instructionsMenu.y = ((stageHeightint / 2) + 2);
highscoreMenu.x = stageWidthint / 2;
highscoreMenu.y = ((stageHeightint / 2) + 44);
quitMenu.x = stageWidthint / 2;
quitMenu.y = ((stageHeightint / 2) + 86);
I'm getting a null reference on stage
. After a quick search I found out stage
is not yet loaded at that time. Still, I'd like to add those childs to the class. When does the stage get loaded? How can I solve this problem and still show all the stuff when the game starts?
public function ConstructorName():void
private function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
// add init code here
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
public class Test extends MovieClip {
public function Test() {
if (stage) {
} else {
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
protected function init(event:Event = null):void {
if (event) { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init) };
//your code here
The Stage object is not globally available.
A class that extends a MovieClip will have a property "stage"(lowercase)
The "stage" property is null until the instance of your class has been added to stage.
That is why we listen for the ADD_TO_STAGE event.
There are work-arounds to stage = null one of which would be to pass in the stage as a parameter in the constructor IE: var xxx:MyClass = new MyClass(stage); That is if the class creating the instance already has a reference to stage.
I would like to add that accessing stage in your custom class is not a good OOP practice since classes should be only concerned with themselves . What I would suggest is overriding the width setter/getters. This is because sizing can change for example landscape to portrait rotation.
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/48268.html下一篇: 舞台什么时候加载?