Performance comparison of Thrift, Protocol Buffers, JSON, EJB, other?

We're looking into transport/protocol solutions and were about to do various performance tests, so I thought I'd check with the community if they've already done this:

Has anyone done server performance tests for simple echo services as well as serialization/deserialization for various messages sizes comparing EJB3, Thrift, and Protocol Buffers on Linux?

Primarily languages will be Java, C/C++, Python, and PHP.

Update: I'm still very interested in this, if anyone has done any further benchmarks please let me know. Also, very interesting benchmark showing compressed JSON performing similar / better than Thrift / Protocol Buffers, so I'm throwing JSON into this question as well.

Latest comparison available here at the thrift-protobuf-compare project wiki. It includes many other serialization libraries.

I'm in the process of writing some code in an open source project named thrift-protobuf-compare comparing between protobuf and thrift. For now it covers few serialization aspects, but I intend to cover more. The results (for Thrift and Protobuf) are discussed in my blog, I'll add more when I'll get to it. You may look at the code to compare API, description language and generated code. I'll be happy to have contributions to achieve a more rounded comparison.

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