Protocol Buffers in Python 3

I am trying to use Google Protocol Buffers in a Python 3 project. However the generated python files do not want to cooperate with the google.protobuf library. Trying to use the protobuf objects results in a NotImplementedError.

My setup:

  • Python 3.4.1
  • protoc 2.5.0
  • The problem appears when using these libraries:

  • protobuf-py3 (
  • python3-protobuf (
  • Example:

    from pb_test import test_pb2
    pb_object = test_pb2.TestMsg()
    pb_object.Clear()  # results in NotImplementedError

    The fact that the same problem occurs when using two different libraries is a strong hint towards having an invalid file. The 'unimplemented' methods are located in Message class, which is supposed to be overridden by metaclass. It seems that the metaclass is not applied at all.

    The test.proto file:

    message TestMsg {
      required int32 id = 1;

    The file is compiled using this command:

    eipifi@debvm:~/pb_test$ protoc --python_out=. test.proto

    Any hints would be appreciated.

    Solved. In order to make the * files play well with the protobuf libraries in Python 3, the files need to be changed in a following way:


    class TestMsg(_message.Message):
    __metaclass__ = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType


    class TestMsg(_message.Message, metaclass=_reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType):

    上一篇: 写/读协议缓冲区

    下一篇: Python 3中的协议缓冲区