TYPO3 Redirect to requested page after login

Coming from Typo3: 404 for restricted access page instead of login form the answer of Bharat Parmar was leading me into the right direction but now I'm stuck.

I want to add a link to a restricted page. If a visitor clicks on it, the login page should appear (I used the extension pagenotfoundhandling as Bharat Parmar suggested). This works! But after login the user is not redirected to the originally requested page but to the standard welcome page of the restricted area (defined in FE Login Plugin).

I can't get it to work to redirect to the originally requested page after login. It always takes the user to the redirection page that was set in the Frontend Login Plugin settings.

Unfortunatly, I don't have enough reputation to leave a comment so I have to ask a new question.

Can anybody help? Or if Bharat Parmar reads this, can you give me a hint how you did it?

Thanks in advance!


Thanks to @lorenz for the hint, I finally got a solution.


It's a new, updated version for TYPO3 6.2 and it works!!!

  • Download the folder from Github as ZIP
  • unzip
  • rename folder with extension files in it to adfc_pagenotfound (without -master)
  • upload to typo3conf/ext directory
  • install the extension "adfc_pagenotfound" in TYPO3 extention manager
  • add 'AdditionalConfiguration.php' File in typo3conf directory and change ID in file
  • in TYPO3 FE Plugin choose "Defined by Get / Post variables"
  • Done!
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/48352.html

    上一篇: 一个行动公共访问和一个私人

    下一篇: TYPO3登录后重定向到请求的页面