Sproutcore vs Cappuccino speed

I am evaluating sproutcore and cappuccino for use in my current project. Since I am a rails developer and I like pure javascript I think that sproutcore suits my style better. My problem is that every single sproutcore sample I have tested seems very slugish and slow on its user interface. Scrolling is very slow, clicking on buttons has a delay etc On the other hand all the cappuccino samples seem very responsive despite that fact that they are more full blown applications than the sproutcore samples.

I dont have a problem diving into objective-j although it currently makes my eyes sore. Do you guys think it is worth the trouble or are the speed issues just my idea. I really dont want to commit to something that I will not be able to optimize later.

It doesn't look like there's a demo online to test, but this product is SproutCore powered. For a hands-on demo, try this tasks demo (login "SG", no password).

I'd also recommend taking an afternoon to walk through the demo apps on the wiki. That will give you an idea not only of the speed but of the rate at which you'll ramp up.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/48384.html

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