Create contact table from JSON data

I started a demonstration project on HTML, JSON and jQuery recently. Thing I want to achieve now is get data from the JSON file and load it into my table. I am new to JSON so it took me a day to get to nothing, the data was not loaded into my table.

Here is my JSON file, 'contact.json':

    "length": 2,
    "info": [
            "fullname":"Noob Here",
            "badgeid": "11111",
            "fullname":"Newbie There",
            "badgeid": "11112",

My script to load data:

window.onload = function () {
    var contacts;
    setTimeout(loadData(contacts, "contact"), 2000);
    $(, element){  
        $('#contacts').append('<tr><td>' + element.fullname + '</td><td>'
            + + '</td><td>'
            + + '</td><td>'
            + element.badgeid + '</td></tr>');       

function loadData(myobject, myfile){
    myobject = $.parseJSON("../data/" + myfile + ".json");

Please notice that I may want to load from various JSON file, so loadData have some agruments there. Otherwise, it will parse JSON file directly.

I already had a '#contact' table declared in HTML. The error console said:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token.

Why is this error appearing? How do I fix this problem?

Run your JSON through a JSON validator, for instance You have a syntax error in your JSON:

    "length": 2,
    "info": [
            "fullname":"Noob Here",
            "badgeid": "11111",  <---- Do not put a comma before a curly brace
            "fullname":"Newbie There",
            "badgeid": "11112",  <---- remove comma before curly brace

Your JSON should instead look like this:

    "length": 2,
    "info": [
            "fullname":"Noob Here",
            "badgeid": "11111"
            "fullname":"Newbie There",
            "badgeid": "11112"

With reference to this post

JSON.parse unexpected character error

I come to know that you parse already parsed JSON

You can replace your script as follows:

    window.onload = function () {
       var contacts;
          $(, element){  
               $('#contacts').append('<tr><td>' + element.fullname + '</td><td>'
                 + + '</td><td>'
                 + + '</td><td>'
                 + element.badgeid + '</td></tr>');       

上一篇: 使用非圆整Python中的错误

下一篇: 从JSON数据创建联系人表