POSTed Json body requires surrounding quotes

I have a controller method declared like this:

public override IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody]string data)
    // do stuff

When testing with Advanced Rest Client, or Powershell, I find that my Json body must be surrounded by single quotes. Example: instead of

{"name":"Elroy", "age":99}

I have to provide

'{"name":"Elroy", "age":99}'

If not in quotes, the my method receives an empty value for the "data" parm.

My ARC client DOES specify content-type="application/json"

That's not right, is it? The outer quotes shouldn't be necessary, right?

That's correct because JSON is transmitted as a string over the wire, not as an object graph. Hence the need for the quotes to denote that it is a string.


上一篇: cURL Windows中的双/单引号

下一篇: 张贴的Json正文需要周围的引号