Best approach to send big files to a server in a automatic way using a rest api?

I need to to send files to a server using rest api. I cannot use a browser as a client and the file should be sent with a http method. It has to be made automatically (using jenkins or so).

All I want to know is what is the best approach. The best way to do this. I have found several info but always using a form in the client side. I cannot use that.

You can do it also without form. What about encoding it in base64?

Look to this solution, by far the best I guess.

The best way to do this is to simply PUT the file to the target URI. If you need to upload larger files, you might want to split it in parts and join them later, when finished.


上一篇: 使用AJAX传递图片文件不成功

下一篇: 使用rest api以自动方式将大文件发送到服务器的最佳方法?