How to run Pip commands from CMD

As I understand, Python 2.7.9 comes with Pip installed, however when I try to execute a Pip command from CMD (Windows) I get the following error:

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

When I type python I do get the following, which suggests it has been installed correctly:

<!-- language: lang-none -->

Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:24:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

I did however need to add some environmental variables to get the python part working on CMD:

  • Add to the environment variable PATH : "C:Python27"

  • Define the system variable PYTHONPATH : "C:Python27"

  • I cannot find a Pip folder within the Python directory, however there is a folder called "ensurepip" in C:Python27Lib .

    Does anybody know how can I get Pip commands to start working in CMD?

    Little side note for anyone new to Python which didn't figure it out by theirself: this should be automatic when installing Python, but just in case, note that to run Python using the python command in Windows' CMD you must first add it to the PATH environment variable, as explained here .

    To execute Pip, first of all make sure you have it, so type in your CMD:

    > python
    >>> import pip

    And it should proceed with no error. Otherwise, if this fails, you can look here to see how to install it. Now that you are sure you've got Pip, you can run it from CMD with Python using the -m (module) parameter, like this:

    > python -m pip <command> <args>

    Where <command> is any Pip command you want to run, and <args> are its relative arguments, separated by spaces.

    For example, to install a package:

    > python -m pip install <package-name>

    Make sure to also add "C:Python27Scripts" to your path. pip.exe should be in that folder. Then you can just run:

    C:> pip install modulename

    Newer versions of Python come with py , the Python Launcher, which is always in the PATH .

    Here is how to invoke pip via py :

    py -m pip install <pakagename>

    py allows having several versions of Python on the same machine.

    As an example, here is how to invoke the pip from Python 2.7:

    py -2.7 -m pip install <pakagename>

    上一篇: 我在哪里可以找到加载到Python shell中的第一个文本并进行更改?

    下一篇: 如何从CMD运行Pip命令