Good uses for mutable function argument default values?

It is a common mistake to set a mutable object as the default value of an argument in a function. Here's an example taken from this excellent write-up by David Goodger:

>>> def bad_append(new_item, a_list=[]):
        return a_list
>>> print bad_append('one')
>>> print bad_append('two')
['one', 'two']

The explanation why this happens is here.

And now for my question: Is there a good use-case for this syntax?

I mean, if everybody who encounters it makes the same mistake, debugs it, understands the issue and from thereon tries to avoid it, what use is there for such syntax?

You can use it to cache values between function calls:

def get_from_cache(name, cache={}):
    if name in cache: return cache[name]
    cache[name] = result = expensive_calculation()
    return result

but usually that sort of thing is done better with a class as you can then have additional attributes to clear the cache etc.

import random

def ten_random_numbers(rng=random):
    return [rng.random() for i in xrange(10)]


Maybe you do not mutate the mutable argument, but do expect a mutable argument:

def foo(x, y, config={}):
    my_config = {'debug': True, 'verbose': False}
    return bar(x, my_config) + baz(y, my_config)

(Yes, I know you can use config=() in this particular case, but I find that less clear and less general.)


上一篇: 在Python中为'循环'确定范围

下一篇: 可变函数参数默认值的良好用法?