is nhibernate 3.0 ready for production

I was just looking on nhforge and saw the most recent release of nhibernate 3.0 is the alpha 1 release. Is that the most recent available binaries, or did I miss them?

Also, is nhiberante 3.0 solid enough to use in a production environment. Is anyone currently using 3.0 for development?

I am beginning to develop a new project and was wondering if I should stick to 2.12 or if it safe to move onto 3.0.

Thank for any thoughts.

EDIT - I just found the following web post - - which contains the following -

"NHibernate has reached version 3.0 Alpha 1, and is “rock solid”, according to Jason Dentler, author of the upcoming book "NHibernate 3 Cookbook" from Packt Publishing, and interviewed by Scott Hanselman. Dentler also said that even if it is an alpha release, NHibernate 3 is already used in production."

NHiberante does not have an instable branch. The code in the trunk is stable, but it is not feature complete until released. There can be issues in new features, but no issues in existing features. You can use the NHiberante trunk in production. Thousands of people do it already, you won't be the first one. The version in the trunk is more stable than the alpha binary release, because it contains bug-fixes. For NHiberante the rule is: The newer, the more stable.

"ready for production" is hard to answer. I suppose since it's alpha, you can simply say "no".

However, I am using it in a small project that is in production with no issues at all. I am quite impressed with the quality and "solid-ness" for an alpha release. Note that I have much of the code using nhibernate covered with integration tests, so my confidence is pretty high.


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