JavaScript post request like a form submit

I'm trying to direct a browser to a different page. If I wanted a GET request, I might say

document.location.href = '';

But the resource I'm trying to access won't respond properly unless I use a POST request. If this were not dynamically generated, I might use the HTML

<form action="" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="q" value="a">

Then I would just submit the form from the DOM.

But really I would like JavaScript code that allows me to say

post_to_url('', {'q':'a'});

What's the best cross browser implementation?


I'm sorry I was not clear. I need a solution that changes the location of the browser, just like submitting a form. If this is possible with XMLHttpRequest, it is not obvious. And this should not be asynchronous, nor use XML, so Ajax is not the answer.

function post(path, params, method) {
    method = method || "post"; // Set method to post by default if not specified.

    // The rest of this code assumes you are not using a library.
    // It can be made less wordy if you use one.
    var form = document.createElement("form");
    form.setAttribute("method", method);
    form.setAttribute("action", path);

    for(var key in params) {
        if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
            hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
            hiddenField.setAttribute("name", key);
            hiddenField.setAttribute("value", params[key]);




post('/contact/', {name: 'Johnny Bravo'});

EDIT : Since this has gotten upvoted so much, I'm guessing people will be copy-pasting this a lot. So I added the hasOwnProperty check to fix any inadvertent bugs.


// Post to the provided URL with the specified parameters.
function post(path, parameters) {
    var form = $('<form></form>');

    form.attr("method", "post");
    form.attr("action", path);

    $.each(parameters, function(key, value) {
        var field = $('<input></input>');

        field.attr("type", "hidden");
        field.attr("name", key);
        field.attr("value", value);


    // The form needs to be a part of the document in
    // order for us to be able to submit it.

A simple quick-and-dirty implementation of @Aaron answer:

document.body.innerHTML += '<form id="dynForm" action="" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="q" value="a"></form>';

Of course, you should rather use a JavaScript framework such as Prototype or jQuery...


上一篇: RESTful认证

下一篇: JavaScript提交请求,如表单提交