Unwanted highlighting of pattern in VIM
This question already has an answer here:
It is probably the last thing you searched for. vim
remembers it across restarts.
I keep this handy mapping in my ~/.vimrc
nnoremap :let @/ = ""<CR>
Then, I can use type while in
mode in vim
, and it clears the last search term.
I used to earlier use this:
nnoremap :set hlsearch!<CR>
This basically toggles search highlighting on/off when you hit , but keeps the last search term in the
For a permanent solution you can use something like ArjunShankar suggested. For a "fix just this time" I found this. The reason I couldn't find this initially was I didn't realize that when something is highlighted in VIM, it can be related to your last search.
:let @/ = ""
This was found via this thread: Vim clear last search highlighting
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/49370.html上一篇: 搜索文本后摆脱Vim的亮点
下一篇: VIM中模式的不需要的突出显示