Get rid of Vim's highlight after searching text
In VIM, after finding text with "/" command, that text remains highlighted.
What is the command to remove that? I don't want to remove highlighting capability at all, but don't want to have all those bright text spots once I've found what I need.
You can toggle it with
:set hls!
Of course a quick and dirty alternative is to do another search for gibberish:
I usually bind a key to :set hls!
to make this easy and use the gibberish approach when I'm in vim on some machine I don't have my profile installed on.
Completely disable search highlights
:set nohlsearch
Clear until next search
or :noh
for short. This clears highlights until a new search is performed or n or N is pressed
Clear on pressing custom map
Clear highlights on hitting the ESC key
nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
Clear highlights on pressing (backslash) twice
nnoremap :noh<return>
上一篇: 如何摆脱Vim中的搜索亮点
下一篇: 搜索文本后摆脱Vim的亮点