Vim: When sourcing vimrc, last search hl re

The title pretty much says it all. When I :source $MYVIMRC or :source ~/.vimrc , the last search re-appears. I can easily turn this off again with :noh , but it re-appears every time I :source .

This persists

  • With a fresh .vimrc
  • After deleting current MacVim install and downloading a fresh copy
  • In iTerm using vim
  • I have checked in every file listed with :version , and other than my .vimrc , the only other file listed that isn't empty is $VIM/vimrc - which has only:

    set nocompatible  
    set backspace+=indent,eol,start  
    set langmenu=none  

    I also tried the nuclear method: disable all plugins and pretend it's a fresh install:

    mv .vim .vim-old  
    mv .vimrc .vimrc-old  
    touch .vimrc  
    echo "set hlsearch" > .vimrc  

    The issue still occurs.

    I'm pretty stumped as I don't recall this being the normal behavior; any help would be much appreciated.

    Credit to @AndyRay - I was misusing noh to get rid of the last search's highlighting, when instead I should be overriding the search term with :let @/ = "" .

    See: Vim clear last search highlighting

    Going off what Josh was getting at. Add the following to your ~./vimrc :

    " higlight search but not when sourcing .vimrc
    set hls
    let @/ = ""

    上一篇: 清除搜索突出显示autocmd BufWrite

    下一篇: Vim:当采购vimrc时,最后搜索hl re