VIM ctrlp.vim plugin: how to rescan files?
I have come across the awesome ctrlp.vim plugin. It is a good alternative to the Command-T plugin which I have used before. What I did not like about Command-T is that it would take about 20-30 seconds to rescan files when it is invoked for the first time after starting vim.
CtrlP works a lot faster but it does not seem to automatically rescan for newly created files. How should I trigger a rescan manually?
From the documentation:
- Refresh the match window and purge the cache for the current directory.
- Remove deleted files from MRU list.
This assumes you're in ctrl-p mode already. Note that you can hit F5 in the middle of a query, ie, you can type a few characters, find it's not matching a recently updated file, and hit F5 to refresh right then. It will automatically show you the match if the file was just added to the ctrl-p cache.
As Jeet says you can press F5 but if that doesn't work you can always run :CtrlPClearCache
which is what F5 is supposed to run.
From the documentation
Flush the cache for the current working directory. The same as pressing inside CtrlP.
To enable or disable caching, use the |g:ctrlp_use_caching| option.
If you want, you can automatically bust the cache when a save happens, so it will be forced to refresh on next use.
Put this in your vimrc (credit docwhat):
" CtrlP auto cache clearing.
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! SetupCtrlP()
if exists("g:loaded_ctrlp") && g:loaded_ctrlp
augroup CtrlPExtension
autocmd FocusGained * CtrlPClearCache
autocmd BufWritePost * CtrlPClearCache
augroup END
if has("autocmd")
autocmd VimEnter * :call SetupCtrlP()
Unfortunately there's no way to automatically keep the cache fresh in the background.
链接地址:上一篇: 如何在vim中有效地切换参数