Undofile independent of the Vim version

I'm using the Vim 7.3 feature undofile the following way:

if version >= 703
 set undofile
 set undodir=$HOME/.vim/undo
 set undolevels=1000
 set undoreload=10000

I am using the same .vimrc and the same files (within a cloud storage) on different machines which do not support Vim 7.3 but use the old 7.2 version which does not support undofile out of box. Is there a solution for the 7.2 version compatible with the 7.3 undofile?

version check

Because persistent undo was introduced with Vim 7.3, your version check is fine, and prevents errors in older Vims. Usually, you would check for the feature itself; :help 'undofile' has this note:

{only when compiled with the |+persistent_undo| feature}

So the correct check (that also handles Vim 7.3 versions that were explicitly compiled without the feature) would be:

:if has('persistent_undo')

persistent undo for Vim 7.2

The reason that persistent undo has been implemented in core Vim is that this would be very difficult or even impossible to do in a plugin. Therefore, I know of no plugin that back-ports this functionality to Vim 7.2; I also don't see any motivation for such an endeavor, because the feature is non-essential and the solution is so simple: just upgrade to the latest Vim. If you have to administrative rights to install Vim on the system, you could compile or copy a user-local installation of Vim into your home directory.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/49484.html

上一篇: 我如何在Vim中做重做(即“撤销撤销”)?

下一篇: 独立于Vim版本的Undofile