What can I do in VIM that I can't already do in Visual Studio?

I heard it takes 30 days minimum to get comfortable with vi. I'm on day 2 hehe. Right now, I seem to be merely memorizing different shortcuts for things I already did in Visual Studio (incremental search, prev/next word, etc.).

So far the most powerful aspect seems to be the numeric keys combined with commands (5 * next line), and the idea of normal/insert modes.

There are a few things I miss from Visual Studio. Ctrl-Click'ing the mouse for quick copy and pasting is probably the biggest.

So that I don't get discouraged, can you guys walk me through some things in vi that you do regularly that can't be done in Visual Studio? It'll help me focus on what to learn and help me develop better habits.




链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/49494.html

上一篇: 在vi中如何对齐代码(括号,parens等)?

下一篇: 我可以在VIM中做什么,但在Visual Studio中无法做到这一点?