Does an updated 'vimtutor' exist?

vim comes with a nice built-in interactive tutorial. You can access this tutorial by just running:

 $ vimtutor

It is very easy to use because it creates working cases for basic commands. Is there a more advanced tutorial? Has any one thought to build one to help uses take their VIM skills to the next level? Most tutorial and cheat-sheet sites out there for vim only show commands but not necessarily specific uses and examples.

Is there an advanced tutorial out there? Is this the type of project that could be an open source document that everyone can add examples to? Like a Vim Interactive Wiki or similar to the RegEx sites that have the built in regex testers.

It's not exactly a tutorial, but I've been impressed with @nelstrom's growing collection of screencasts at

Each short video covers a single topic (or a small set of closely-related topics), and the ones I've watched have been informative and enjoyable. The author says that "the aim is to provide something in each episode that you can take away and use," and I'd say he's succeeding.


If you're interested in a game for Vim, there's Vim-Adventures. As of April 22, 2013, it has 12 levels and covers a wide berth of topics. If you like it, you can buy it. There is also VimGolf for sharpening very specific golfing skills. It's not useful on average, but take a look at some of the impressive entries.


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