Most useful (productive) shortcuts in Qt Creator

What is the your most useful and productive keyboard shortcut in Qt Creator?

Following the trend of great questions asked about Eclipse CDT, vim, Intellij IDEA.

Comment/uncomment lines (select text and press). With this shortcut you can simply comment very large piece of code and uncomment it in future:

Ctrl + /


Ctrl + Space

History of clipboard. You get popup menu with all text which you pasted in Qt Creator and if you choose something and press Enter you paste this formatted text into your code

Ctrl + Shift + V

F2 aka "Follow Symbol Under Cursor"

(You can also use Ctrl + Left Mouse Button for this.)

Let me explain. In visual studio to obtain the same you have F12 (Go to definition) but this one open the search result and need you to select the possible matches. The difference between instant result and a possible two seconds or more to get what you want (especially with common names like open )

F4 aka "SwitchHeader Source"

In several other visual text editors for C++ (including Visual) you have to manually locate the header corresponding to the current source or vice-versa. But it's effectiveness greatly depend on whether or not you are using SCU for your classes.


上一篇: 向后删除行

下一篇: Qt Creator中最有用的(生产性)快捷方式