Delete lines backwards

Is there a shortcut for 10k10dd ? I want to delete the 10 lines prior to the cursor, without having to move the cursor backwards first.


In certain circumstances, those 10 lines are the beginning of a paragraph than you can delete with:

  • d{
  • or the beginning of a ( C-like) function

  • d[[
  • See :help object-motions for more details and ideas.

    It is usually easier to use text objects than to count lines. ( Well on Vim latest versions, you can use set rnu to avoid manually counting backward or forward lines.)

    您可以选择您要在删除线visual模式,然后d elete那些。


    上一篇: 相对于游标滚动Vim,自定义映射

    下一篇: 向后删除行