user privilege within vi?
Possible Duplicate:
How does the vim “write with sudo” trick work?
This situation always happen: I try to vi
a configuration file but I forget to add sudo
before it, and when I try to save it, vi
prompt me that this file is read only.
How can I change to super-user privilege without get out of vi
and re-edit that file?
:w !sudo tee %
cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
Add the line in ~ /. Vimrc and do: w!! to keep with sudo
通常我将它保存在temp :w /tmp/foo.txt然后sudo cp。
链接地址:上一篇: /etc/apt/sources.list“E212:无法打开文件进行写入
下一篇: vi中的用户权限?