Can I gain root permission without leaving vim?

Sometimes when I edit a file which require root permission (eg files under /etc), but I forget run vim as sudo.

After edit finished, and type :wq to save and leave, I find I can't, even using !wq , because the file is readonly.

If I leave and re-edit the file, all my work will lost, but if not, I cannot save my edit. So, how can I gain root permission to write without leaving vim?

To force a save use the following command

:w !sudo tee %

It will prompt you for your password.

The mentioned trick with tee is nice; if you need this often I'd recommend the SudoEdit plugin, which offers a :SudoWrite command (and even a sudo: protocol handler).


上一篇: 为什么输入数据后无法保存VI文件?

下一篇: 我可以在不离开vim的情况下获得root权限吗?