How do I stop URL.Action from including parameters?

In my main navigation I have a link to:

Url.Action("Items", "FAQ");

The link works fine and I get to ~/Item/FAQ

However, I have links which contain parameters, so:


This all works fine, however, when I'm viewing Question-1 (which is a View, the link in the main navigation changes to:


How do I keep the Url in the navigation to stay at ~/Items/FAQ


Url.Action("Items", "FAQ", new { WhateverYourRouteParameterIsCalled = "" })

I tried the answer but couldn't get it to work. In the end, I used a (comparatively) low tech solution:

<a href="@Url.Content("~/Items/FAQ")">Nav Target Text</a>

This ignores any id values set by visiting that same page.


上一篇: mvc routing:ActionLink用querystring返回一个包含参数的url

下一篇: 如何阻止URL.Action包含参数?