Mongodb update deeply nested subdocument

I have a document structure that is deeply nested, like this:

{id: 1, 
 forecasts: [ { 
             forecast_id: 123, 
             name: "Forecast 1", 
             levels: [ 
                { level: "proven", 
                  configs: [
                              config: "Custom 1",
                              variables: [{ x: 1, y:2, z:3}]
                              config: "Custom 2",
                              variables: [{ x: 10, y:20, z:30}]
                { level: "likely", 
                  configs: [
                              config: "Custom 1",
                              variables: [{ x: 1, y:2, z:3}]
                              config: "Custom 2",
                              variables: [{ x: 10, y:20, z:30}]


I'm trying to update the collection to insert a new config, that looks like this:

newdata =  {
  config: "Custom 1", 
  variables: [{ x: 111, y:2222, z:3333}]

I'm trying something like this in mongo (in Python):

db.myCollection.update({"id": 1, 
                        "forecasts.forecast-id": 123, 
                        "forecasts.levels.level": "proven", 
                        "forecasts.levels.configs.config": "Custom 1"
                         {"$set": {"forecasts.$.levels.$.configs.$": newData}}

I'm getting "Cannot apply the positional operator without a corresponding query field containing an array" error though. What is the proper way to do this in mongo? This is mongo v2.4.1.

Unfortunately, you can't use the $ operator more than once per key, so you have to use numeric values for the rest. As in:

    "id": 1, 
    "forecasts.forecast-id": 123, 
    "forecasts.levels.level": "proven", 
    "forecasts.levels.configs.config": "Custom 1"
  {"$set": {"forecasts.$.levels.0.configs.0": newData}}

MongoDB's support for updating nested arrays is poor. So you're best off avoiding their use if you need to update the data frequently, and consider using multiple collections instead.

One possibility: make forecasts its own collection, and assuming you have a fixed set of level values, make level an object instead of an array:

  _id: 123,
  parentId: 1,
  name: "Forecast 1", 
  levels: {
    proven: { 
      configs: [
          config: "Custom 1",
          variables: [{ x: 1, y:2, z:3}]
          config: "Custom 2",
          variables: [{ x: 10, y:20, z:30}]
    likely: {
      configs: [
          config: "Custom 1",
          variables: [{ x: 1, y:2, z:3}]
          config: "Custom 2",
          variables: [{ x: 10, y:20, z:30}]

Then you can update it using:

    _id: 123,
    'levels.proven.configs.config': 'Custom 1'
  { $set: { 'levels.proven.configs.$': newData }}

Managed to solve it with using mongoose:

All you need to know is the '_id's of all of the sub-document in the chain (mongoose automatically create '_id' for each sub-document).

for example -

  SchemaName.findById(_id, function (e, data) {
      if (e) console.log(e); = req.body.something;

      // or if you want to change more then one field -
      //=> var t =;
      //=> t.field = req.body.something;;

More about the sub-document _id method in mongoose documentation.

explanation:_id is for the SchemaName, _id1 for sub1 and _id2 for sub2 - you can keep chaining like that.

*You don't have to use findById method, but it's seem to me the most convenient as you need to know the rest of the '_id's anyway.

This is a very OLD bug in MongoDB


上一篇: db.col.find()。pretty()不起作用

下一篇: Mongodb更新深层嵌套的子文档