getting out of db.find() resultset

When you query something in mongo using db.collection.find() and if the result set exceeds the max allowed shellBatchSize, mongo prints n number of records and says type "it" for more . If oyu don;t want to see more, How to get out of this and get back to mongo shell?

I know CTRL +C I know converting the output to a JASON Array I know diverting the output to a file.

I'm looking for some non-crude way (like CNTRL + C) to get back to mongo shell.


When you execute a query in the shell that results in Type "it" for more , you're already back at the main command prompt of the shell. You can just type a new command at the > prompt.


上一篇: 专有的Web应用程序到MVC3 / Entity

下一篇: 离开db.find()结果集