What can I use for good quality Code Coverage for C#/.NET?

I wonder what options there are for .net (or C# specifically) Code Coverage, especially in the Lower Priced segment? I am not looking for recommendations, but for a comparison of products based on facts. I know the following:

  • NCover
  • Seems to be very popular and looks quite good
  • Supports statement coverage and branch coverage
  • $480 for "NCover 3 Complete"
  • Older Beta-Versions available for free
  • Visual Studio (2008 Pro) | (2005 Team System (Development, Test or Team Suite Editions))
  • Well, it's Microsoft so I'd expect it to work properly
  • Fully Integrated into Visual Studio
  • At least $5,469
  • PartCover - no further development (moved to OpenCover)
  • Open Source
  • Supports statement coverage
  • OpenCover - successor to PartCover
  • OpenSource
  • Supports branch and statement coverage
  • 32 and 64 bit support
  • Silverlight support
  • Background
  • Tutorial on CodeProject by the primary developer
  • No .Net Core support yet
  • SD Test Coverage
  • Works with 32 and 64 bits, full C# 4.0
  • Handles both small and very large code bases
  • $250 for single user license
  • JetBrains dotCover
  • $100 for Personal License. Free for user groups, open source projects, students and teachers.
  • Supports statement coverage
  • Silverlight support
  • NCrunch

  • $159 for personal license
  • $289 for commercial seat license * Free during beta, to become commercial, pricing unknown future unknown.
  • Code coverage indicators in Visual Studio
  • Continuous (near real time) testing
  • Visual per-test code coverage
  • Performance metrics, parallell multi-core test execution
  • NDepend

  • $410 for developer license
  • NDepend can import coverage data from NCover, DotCover, Visual Studio 2017; 2015, 2013, 2012, 2010 and 2008 Code Coverage files.
  • Dependency Graph
  • Dependency Structure Matrix
  • Visualizing Code Metrics
  • Validating Code Rules

  • I use the version of NCover that comes with TestDriven.NET. It will allow you to easily right-click on your unit test class library, and hit "Test With -> Coverage", and it will pull up the report.

    An alternative to NCover can be PartCover, is an open source code coverage tool for .NET very similar to NCover, it includes a console application, a GUI coverage browser, and XSL transforms for use in CC.Net.

    Very interesting product.

    UPDATE: OpenCover has replaced partcover.


    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/50286.html

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